Query find max,min and average salary of employee in Oracle.

Here we write a sql query to find max,min and average salary of employee table in Oracle database.

  • First we have created one Employee table.
  • In that table there are 5 column id, name, age, address and salary.
  • The MIN() function returns the smallest value of the selected column in Employee Table.
  • The MAX() function returns the largest value of the selected column in Employee Table.
  • The AVG() function returns the average value of a numeric column in Employee Table.

select * from Employee;

   IDNAME        AGEADDRESS                   SALARY
         1       Santosh           25    Mumbai                   1500
         2        Aman           23    Bangalore                2000
         3        Ravi           25    Pune                        6500
         4        Vijay           27    Chennai                   8500
         5        Pankaj           22    Chennai                   10000
         6        Sany           24    Mumbai                    4500

select MAX(Salary) as Max_Salary,MIN(salary) as Min_salary,AVG(salary) as Avg_Salary from Employee;






