SQL Query : List of employees whose EmpId is an odd value?

There are following way to find List of employees whose EmpId is an odd value in Oracle database.

  • Here first we have created one Employee table.
  • In that table there are 5 column Empid, name, age, address and salary.

           Select * from Employee;Employee data

Using mod (%) :-

Select * from Employee where mod(EmpId,2) = 1;

Here we are use EmpId with mod function,if reminder will be 1 then its print employees data whose EmpId is an odd value.mod function for EmpId

Using mod(%) with ROWNUM :-

Select * from Employee where mod(EmpId,2) = 1 And ROWNUM < 10;

  • Here we are use EmpId with mod function,if reminder will be 1 then its print employees data whose EmpId is an odd value.
  • Also use Rownum < 10 to get the only 9 or less number of records.mod with rownum employee data