Java Program to swap two numbers

There are multiple way to swap two numbers in Java.

Using Multiplication Method :-

  • Multiply n with 1 and m with zero, then n value will be present, m will be zero ,assign this value to d
  • Multiply m with 1 and n with zero, then assign result to temp c

Using Three Variables :-

  • Assign a to temp variable : temp = x
  • Assign a to b : a = b
  • Assign temp to b: b = temp

Using Two Variables :-

  • Add x+y value and assign to x
  • Subtract x-y value and assign to y
  • Now here y value will be change.
  • Subtract x-y value and assign to x
					public class SwapNumber {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// using multiplication method
		int m = 70;
		int n = 80;
		int d = n * 1 + m * 0;
		System.out.println("After swap value m :- " + d);
		int c = m * 1 + n * 0;
		System.out.println("After swap value n :- " + c);
		// Using Three Variables
		int a = 30;
		int b = 50;

		int temp = a;
		a = b;
		b = temp;
		System.out.println("After swap value a :- " + a);
		System.out.println("After swap value b :- " + b);

		// Using Two Variables
		int x = 35;
		int y = 45;

		x = x + y;
		y = x - y;
		x = x - y;
		System.out.println("After swap value x :- " + x);
		System.out.println("After swap value y :- " + y);



Output :-

After swap value m :- 80
After swap value n :- 70

After swap value a :- 50
After swap value b :- 30

After swap value x :- 45
After swap value y :- 35