in how many ways we can create object in java?

There are many ways to create object in java.

1)- new Keyword
Employee emp=new Employee ();
Here we are using new keyword to load the class and new operator instance a class to allocate memory for new object.

					public class Employee {
	public void Test() {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Employee emp = new Employee();

Output :- welcome

2)- forName() method of Class class and newInstance method
The forName() method of class return the class object associated with the class or interface.
In Class.forName we pass a class as a parameter String.

					public class Employee {
	public void Test() {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		Employee emp = (Employee) Class.forName("com.EmployeeObject").newInstance();

Output :- welcome

3)- By Creating a clone of Object
The clone() method can be called on an instance of the class to we pass one class state into another reference of the class.

					public class Employee {
	public void Test() {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException {
		Employee emp = new Employee();
		Employee emp1 = (Employee) emp.clone();


Output:- welcome

4)- By De-serializing a input stream into object
ObjectInputStream ois= new ObjectInputStream(anInputStream);
Employee obj  = (Employee )ois.readObject();
here object is actually created from the serialized form of the object available as input stream.

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